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Dobrodošli, Gost. Molim vas prijavite se ili se registrujte.
Jul 03, 2024, 21:20:21

Prijavite se korisničkim imenom, lozinkom i dužinom sesije
Ukupno članova: 185692
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Autor Tema: AVAST Anti-Virus 2009 Pro 2009 4.8.1296  (Pročitano 1670 puta)
0 članova i 2 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.
Super Hero
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Poruke: 2037

Šansa se ukaže onog časa kad odlučiš da se boriš

Pogledaj profil
« poslato: Jul 13, 2009, 21:34:11 »

Avast 4 Professional Edition is a complete ICSA & Checkmark certified antivirus, Checkmark certified anti-spyware & anti-rootkit software package for corporate and advanced home use. avast Professional Edition includes an on demand scanner with two user interfaces, a skinnable simple interface: just select what you want to scan and in which way and press the play button, an enhanced user interface: Outlook like UI allows users to set any feature of Avast, prepare and run tasks, store and check task results, on access scanner: special providers to protect: most available e-mail clients, instant messaging: ICQ or Miranda, network traffic: lightweight firewall, P2P protection for Kazaa, BitTorrent, Web shield: all HTTP traffic, script blocker. avast Professional Edition is available in 32 languages. Small, true incremental, updates are downloaded and installed automatically.

* avast! now contains a built-in anti-rootkit protection
* avast! now comes with a built-in anti-spyware protection
* new self-defense function to prevent active malware from terminating avast! processes as well as corrupting avast! files and registry items
* scanners now display a progress of current scan (percentage of work done)
* fixed a vulnerability in AavmKer4.sys kernel-mode driver (problem applies to Windows NT/2000/XP, 32-bit only); special thanks to Tobias Klein
* improvements in boot-time scanner (detection & removal of hidden or hard to delete files)
* boot-time scanner will not start when booting into Safe Mode (the program was "invisible" in that case, no progress/messages could be seen)
* improvements in many unpackers
* ACE and RAR unpackers now work even in boot-time scanner
* IM Shield: added support for QQ
* improvements in handling of NTFS streams
* Internet Mail provider now displays the name of the sending/receiving program in the tooltip of its taskbar icon
* implemented a protection against false positives in critical system files
* removed a small memory leak in one of avast! drivers (Windows Vista and XP 64-bit only)
* added support for 64-bit WHS connector (available in WHS Power Pack 1)
* greatly improved performance of the updater, especially in cases where many increments are being downloaded (e.g. avast! installations with outdated virus definitions)
* silent installation now also includes scheduled tasks, if any
* resolved a compatibility issue with Acronis TrueImage (XP 64-bit only)
* compatibility tests with Vista SP1 and XP SP3

+ Lifetime Serial !

Proći će sve ali duša,obraz i ono što je dobro ostaju zauvek
Teško je biti sam. Od toga je jedino teže kada su dvoje sami.
Super Hero
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Poruke: 4682


Pogledaj profil WWW
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Jul 14, 2009, 03:27:18 »

Jesi ga probao ti strateg? Ja ga nesto ne volim, jel bolji od nod-a?

Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 2037

Šansa se ukaže onog časa kad odlučiš da se boriš

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« Odgovor #2 poslato: Jul 14, 2009, 12:47:05 »

Nisam ga probao Moco,iz razloga jer sam se vec dosta i umorio a i dosadilo mi je da probam te AV-programe,eto instalirao sam najnoviji KIS-2010 i nije prosao test Huh?,svi portovi koji treba da su zatvoreni su na Shield's up-u pali zamisli  Huh? ,sve je otvoreno i vec prave drugi,jer im je Firewall jako los,i vratio sam ESET 4.0.437.0 ovaj je za sada sasvim OK,tako da neznam sta da ti odgovorim jedino to sto pise,e sad da li je i tako??

Proći će sve ali duša,obraz i ono što je dobro ostaju zauvek
Teško je biti sam. Od toga je jedino teže kada su dvoje sami.
Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 4682


Pogledaj profil WWW
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Jul 15, 2009, 00:05:18 »

Ja sam imao neku raniju verziju i nije mi se svideo uopste, Nod mi je lagan, prilicno dobro radi

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