ma ja samo je*em i ne mislim, to je na njoj!!!!
Eto, ovo me isprovocira posteno....
Dragi Unknown person, posto ne želiš ili ne smeš da se predstaviš, a vidim voliš engleski, ovo je poruka za tebe...
You're fucking her without thinking, because she is the one who should thinks...
I can agree only with following - you can be used only for fucking (just to give her sexual pleasure), while she has a brain (and if she really has one, she will use you just for fucking, not for having a child with you, or having a true and sincere relationship)... That's how I understand your message...
And while you treat women just like a sexual object, let me tell you something... We (women, girls...) can use you, and men like you, only for fucking, indeed... If you think than only women "can be used for fucking", please, think again.... and again... maybe sometimes you'll get the message... or some women will "translate" the message for you... since she is the one who thinks, while you're just for "fucking"...