
Kompjuteri i Internet => Software => Temu započeo: B.Love Februar 17, 2010, 11:03:49

Naslov: SevenMizer
Poruka od: B.Love Februar 17, 2010, 11:03:49



7-Look for Windows XP, MCE or Server 2003

With SevenMizer you can transform your Windows XP, MCE or Server 2003 into the look of Windows 7. Therefore nearly 400 files with new Icons, pictures as well as videos are modified. This means that SevenMizer does not provide own files and change your system files. That has the advantage that SevenMizer works with each language and no changes of the language specifics are made.

The installer is so developed that you have completely the change which will be modified and which not. Even if you select files, which are possibly not at all on your system available or not compatible, the application recognizes this and jumps over these. This ensures that the system does not become unstable because of wrong modification. After updates if your system data are overwritten, then a renewal of these is possible by using an extra program that is linked by the SevenMizer. The application examines thereby, which files are updated and re-modify only these. This means a very fast re-modification and it is always the current data in the Backup. However if the result of the installation should not assure to you, you have the possibility to get back the old system by an un-installation. If newer files are already present in the system by updates, this is recognized by the un-installer and only the modified files will be replaced.

Download Links

Naslov: Odg: SevenMizer
Poruka od: Moca Februar 18, 2010, 03:40:31
Nije lose evo skidam :)

Naslov: Odg: SevenMizer
Poruka od: Moca Februar 20, 2010, 13:56:21
Super je ovo, skinuo sam ne koci ne, radi ekstra!

Naslov: Odg: SevenMizer
Poruka od: B.Love Februar 20, 2010, 18:42:37
Nikad ne bih ovde postavio nesto sto nisam licno proverio,i ja sam ga ubacio kod mene na starom dobrom XP-u,lepo izgleda i ne trosi mnogo rama...20~30 mb...u paketu su 2 varijante,naravno,ona veca je bolja,manja je za slabije masine...i komplikovanija za instalaciju... ;)

Naslov: Odg: SevenMizer
Poruka od: Moca Februar 21, 2010, 03:42:15
Verujem B. ali ja to vise zbog moje masine koja je kranje cudna :) Stvarno je super :)

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