Naslov: Products' ratings ZA AV-Programe Poruka od: strateg3 Jul 03, 2009, 23:45:24 (
The table(s) below sort(s) the tested products by their total score, which is displayed in the Product score column. There are two possible views of the total scores. The default view separates the results by the number of tests that were in the system when the products were tested, i.e. the number of tests with a valid test result value (other value than N/A). There is one table for each number of tests. The second view mixes all the results in one table. In the second view, the Product score column consists of two numbers separated by a slash – the actual score and the number of tests that were in the system when the given product was tested. You can switch between the views using the link below. This table also shows the exact version of every tested product. The Level reached column presents the highest level that the product reached in Proactive Security Challenge. If it passed all levels, this number is suffixed with a plus sign. For products that score at least 80% in Proactive Security Challenge, the Recommendation column contains links to the online stores or products' webpages of the vendors that we have affiliate agreements with. If you click on any of these links and then buy the target product or other product offered on the target webpage, we will profit from it. This is one of the ways how you can support this project. The PDF document icon allows you to download the testing report in PDF format for the tested product. Ovo je najsvezija vest,o testiranju svih AV-Programa i Firewalla,i normalno njihova ocena,samo da se upoznate sa stanjem kako je trenutno jer se ono periodicno i menja,posto je Laboratorija Kaspersky napravila potpuno novi program,sa izmenjenim Engineom i vec par dana tacnije od 25.05 drzi za sada vrlo dobro mesto. E tu i normalno pocinje borba za obaranje i dokazivanje drugih laboratorija da je njihov AV najbolji,ali je sve to dobro dok se oni utrkuju jer se i mi sa tim mozemo donekle osecati bezbedno dok smo na netu. Tu na ovoj slici imate i FREE programe,pogotovo "Comodo",jer je on uvek imao najbolji Firewall,ali su sad napravili i AV+Firewall znaci komletan i jos za Dzabaka,ako ga neko zeli skinuti nije nikakav problem jer ce te besplatan kljuc dobiti na vas meil,tako da bi ga ja i preporucio,pogotovo sto je NOD dosta pao,naime nisam imao nista od zastite na kompu,i onda sam instalirao ovaj novi Kis02010,a pre njega sam imao ESET Smart Sec. ESET mi je prijavio 4 virusa(Malwarea) a KIS ovo ispod ( E zato je NOD-ESET izleteo sa kompa i ponovo se vratio na Kaspera. |