
Kompjuteri i Internet => Software => Temu započeo: Big Moca Maj 14, 2009, 10:08:01

Naslov: Babylon Pro 7.5.2
Poruka od: Big Moca Maj 14, 2009, 10:08:01
Babylon Pro 7.5.2


Najbolji prevodilac !!!

Babylon 7 - Leading the World of Languages
Babylon is the world's leading provider of quick online and offline dictionary and translation software in over 75 languages in one simple click and is being used by millions of private users and organizations in more than 200 countries.

Babylon 7 maintains the lead with more languages, full web page and document
translation and seamless integration with Microsoft Office speller.

Babylon 7 does all the work for you with great new automatic features:
Full web page and document translation, seamless integration with
Microsoft Office speller, easier access to dictionaries and encyclopedias
and much more.

(http://www.fotorola.com/uploads/2def611295.gif) (http://www.fotorola.com/)


(http://www.fotorola.com/uploads/8675a5414e.png) (http://www.fotorola.com/)


Naslov: Odg: Babylon Pro 7.5.2
Poruka od: strateg3 Maj 14, 2009, 20:52:00

Jest vala Moco dobar je i svaka novija verzija je sve bolja :nice:

2: fopen(/mnt/volume-cache/kovach/1bceeb033ddac0b4799db4bbb335c7ca.cache): failed to open stream: No space left on device
Datoteka: /home/kovach/sites/kovach.rs/current/index.php
Linija: 992