Naslov: Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1 Poruka od: strateg3 Avgust 23, 2008, 17:01:24 (
Convert Windows XP into Windows Vista Vista Transformation Pack 8 will transform your Windows user interface to ultimate Windows Vista alike looks that everyone will never notice it’s the same old Windows XP. Features of Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1 : Vista Transformation Pack will replace many of the resources in Windows XP/Windows Server 2003. It can change such things as: * Boot screen * Welcome Screen / Logon Screen * New msstyles files (visual styles) * New desktop and file icons * New toolbar icons * Progress Dialogs * Sounds scheme * System Tray icons * New Wallpapers * Windows Media Player Skins * And much more * For Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 only What’s New in Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1 : * Fixed pre-configuration specifications to improve performance (Removed unstable applications from list) * Fixed TrueTransparency’s stability (some settings in skin causing input hook problems) * Fixed Visualtooltip configuration when user accidently deletes the configuration files in there * Removed backup files’ status and put CPU model instead (obsolete checking) * Updated system files’ status report to “Out of sync” and repairing system files information * Updated user account configuration system for more subtle performance Click ( pass=[ OwlsNest ] Naslov: Odg: Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1 Poruka od: CooLa Avgust 23, 2008, 17:08:54 Mnogo bolja stvar je Vista Inspirat pack!
Naslov: Odg: Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1 Poruka od: strateg3 Avgust 23, 2008, 17:24:53 Mnogo bolja stvar je Vista Inspirat pack! Pa mogu da ti ovde okacim jedno 10-tak raznih packova,a ja koji koristim i Moj Drug nema NIKO ???Naslov: Odg: Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1 Poruka od: CooLa Avgust 23, 2008, 18:26:28 Transformation pack menja fajlove, a inspirat samo radi redirect icon fajlova, tako da nema menjanja! Za aero like stil imas XP-Aero, za drajvove VistaDriveIcon i FlipXP za alt-tab! vStart i vOrb za start meni. Voila, cela vista! Mada, ja samo koristim inspirat i DriveIcon!
Naslov: Odg: Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1 Poruka od: strateg3 Avgust 23, 2008, 20:29:28 Ko je to otkrio Toplu Vodu ??? ,a kako onda moj Pack sve to menja? i mogu da mu promenim sta ja zelim i kad hocu,a sve sam upakovao u celih 17MB.normalno uz pomoc najboljeg packera "Avdonova" :travka: :wow:
Naslov: Odg: Vista Transformation Pack 8.0.1 Poruka od: CooLa Avgust 24, 2008, 02:15:09 Ama koji tvoj pack?