« Odgovor #376 poslato: Oktobar 19, 2008, 12:40:47 » |
Xexexexexe, ja tju meze da izostavim.... 
There is nothing you could do that I have not already done to myself... 
« Odgovor #378 poslato: Oktobar 19, 2008, 12:47:33 » |
There is nothing you could do that I have not already done to myself... 
« Odgovor #381 poslato: Oktobar 19, 2008, 15:54:32 » |
dakle cure da nazdravimo 
 ~Stvarnost je stanje prouzrokovano nedostatkom alkohola. "Sve dobro svakome, ništa lošeg nikome..." Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
« Odgovor #384 poslato: Januar 05, 2009, 17:48:20 » |
A zbog radi cega PAB ne radi vise 
You called and so I came To turn the night on So turn the lights off My work is never done It's the story of my life I've been turning the night on You'll never forget me When the morning comes...
« Odgovor #385 poslato: Januar 06, 2009, 22:43:59 » |
radi,radi!ima li sta za popiti 
 ...life is what you make of it...
« Odgovor #386 poslato: Januar 06, 2009, 23:35:28 » |
Ja bi da cugnem nesto...al' vidis da ne radi.
You called and so I came To turn the night on So turn the lights off My work is never done It's the story of my life I've been turning the night on You'll never forget me When the morning comes...
« Odgovor #388 poslato: Januar 06, 2009, 23:40:45 » |
A ko radi ovde 
You called and so I came To turn the night on So turn the lights off My work is never done It's the story of my life I've been turning the night on You'll never forget me When the morning comes...