« Odgovor #510 poslato: Septembar 02, 2008, 13:11:58 » |
Auuuuuu Mici biraj 
You called and so I came To turn the night on So turn the lights off My work is never done It's the story of my life I've been turning the night on You'll never forget me When the morning comes...
« Odgovor #512 poslato: Septembar 02, 2008, 13:18:57 » |
Hehe...naravno da moze...Cek samo da im se pojavimo tamo 
You called and so I came To turn the night on So turn the lights off My work is never done It's the story of my life I've been turning the night on You'll never forget me When the morning comes...
« Odgovor #514 poslato: Septembar 02, 2008, 17:21:09 » |
 ...life is what you make of it...
« Odgovor #515 poslato: Septembar 02, 2008, 23:31:05 » |
Ooooooo pa gde si Brucos?Nema te 
You called and so I came To turn the night on So turn the lights off My work is never done It's the story of my life I've been turning the night on You'll never forget me When the morning comes...
« Odgovor #516 poslato: Septembar 02, 2008, 23:46:03 » |
Ok....sta sad treba da radim  oces sataru ili ciglu ... 
He who makes a beast out of himself Gets rid of the pain of being a man
« Odgovor #517 poslato: Septembar 02, 2008, 23:58:41 » |
E nemoj da te raspalim sveze popravljenom motornom testerom po glavi 
You called and so I came To turn the night on So turn the lights off My work is never done It's the story of my life I've been turning the night on You'll never forget me When the morning comes...
« Odgovor #519 poslato: Septembar 03, 2008, 01:47:12 » |
Necu Mici... 
You called and so I came To turn the night on So turn the lights off My work is never done It's the story of my life I've been turning the night on You'll never forget me When the morning comes...
« Odgovor #520 poslato: Septembar 03, 2008, 01:49:55 » |
rekla bi joj "U jbt,jel moguce da smo toliko popile sinoc?"
« Odgovor #521 poslato: Septembar 03, 2008, 01:51:06 » |
Pa s'obzirom koje smo bekrije... moguce je... 
You called and so I came To turn the night on So turn the lights off My work is never done It's the story of my life I've been turning the night on You'll never forget me When the morning comes...
« Odgovor #522 poslato: Septembar 03, 2008, 11:27:48 » |