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Ukupno članova: 185692
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Autor Tema: Najbolji stihovi koje ste culi :)  (Pročitano 90643 puta)
0 članova i 3 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.
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Poruke: 303

**RaStA** :)

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« Odgovor #30 poslato: Decembar 06, 2009, 12:14:34 »

Lust feat X-Plane & Generali  -  Dajem sve za nju

aaa lust,generali,X-plane
slusaj sad...aha jedna ljubav
dajem sve za nju

Mala zovi me kazi da volis me,
kad nazowez znaj da cu biti tu,
zato grli me,zato ljubi me,
jer ja beybe dajem sve za nju 2x

Moje reci su tekst koje glase kao
muzika srce u grudima bice nasa
publika i nedaj nikom nasu pesmu da
prepeva jer sve ce biti crno ako
noc bez meseca I mozda nekad preteram
kasni su sati zelim te kraj sebe pokusaj,
shvati reci kad izostanu tisinu prati
bez tebe svaki minut hteo bi da vratim
juche kao danas pa nepamtim dane
sat i dalje broji nikako da stane
gde je tu sreca ja sam u sobi ,
secanja blede ma daj pozovi..

Da isti osecaj kad pomislim
na tebe obuzme me brdo emocija
ne poznajem sebe,dok te budan
sanjam srce moje kaze da te volim
ovu godinu veruj mi
nazvacu imenom tvojim
gledam gde smo sada i zelim ostati
tu volim te jer mala zauvek
znaj da cu biti tu,taj prvi
susret,twoj pogled koji me topi,
osmeh najsladji na svetu kada tvoj broj
sam dobio ,mislio na tebe 24 casa
srecan ,spokojan i miran bio uz
ponos tvoga glasa,cekam da se vratis
moje srce tvoje ceka nasu ljubav
osetice ljudi s drugog kraja sveta..

Mala zovi me kazi da volis me,
kad nazowez znaj da cu biti tu,
zato grli me,zato ljubi me,
jer ja beybe dajem sve za nju 2x

Skoro sam reko bas da ovde ne
al ona mi nekad pomaze da se ja
iskradam,iz nekog sveta tamo
u neki bolji oo taj svet jos zovu ljubav
valjda tu postoji,u sebi dugo
cuvam ljubav samo za jednu,
ponekad stisne tuga al kazem sve
je uredu ,u sebi dugo cuvam
ljubav samo za vrednu,osobu
sto me cuva kao ni jednu

Nocas okreni mi broj,reci da volis
me te reci su mi dovoljne da
pobedim sve poraze,znas
jedina ostajes ,sve ostale su prolazne
sve postale su kopije,to sam shvatio
tek ostavljen,mala tolko nedostajes,
bez tebe ne kontrolisem,bez tebe
se ne poznajem ,s tobom dani nek
oproste vrata sreci otvore ,bolne
ostavi otiske kad procitas ove poruke
nerazmisljaj pozovi me! Mala..

Mala zovi me kazi da volis me,
kad nazowez znaj da cu biti tu,
zato grli me,zato ljubi me,
jer ja beybe dajem sve za nju 2x

sutra u toku noci po tebe mogu doci
da te zagrlim bar,da ti osjetim tjelom
taknem tjelom,da te zagrlim bar..


Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 8925

Look at the stars...look how they shine for you. ♥

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« Odgovor #31 poslato: Decembar 06, 2009, 13:30:25 »

Dobro je kad te dugo ne vidim
Nisam kriv a ni tebe ne krivim
Kad te vidim ja se priblizim
A kad ti pridjem ja te obidjem

Dugo samujem, a ti si sada s njim
Ja po svom I nikog ne molim
Ja ne zelim biti s bilo kim
I voljecu te dok sam ziv

Nisam kao on, ali briga me za to
Vise mi ni ti, nista ne znacis
S tobom ne, a ni bez tebe
I bolje sam zasluzio, zar ne

Nisam kao on, ja nisam kao on
Sad bi ti, al' je prekasno za nas
Jer ja nisam nisam, nisam
Nisam, nisam kao on

Hero Member
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 720

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« Odgovor #32 poslato: Decembar 23, 2009, 20:22:38 »

Disarm you with a smile
And cut you like you want me to
Cut that little child
Inside of me and such a part of you
Ooh, the years burn

I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what i choose is my choice
What's a boy supposed to do?
The killer in me is the killer in you
My love
I send this smile over to you

Disarm you with a smile
And leave you like they left me here
To wither in denial
The bitterness of one who's left alone
Ooh, the years burn
Ooh, the years burn, burn, burn

I used to be a little boy
So old in my shoes
And what I choose is my voice
What's a boy supposed to do?
The killer in me is the killer in you
My love
I send this smile over to you

The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you
The killer in me is the killer in you
Send this smile over to you

« Poslednja izmena: Februar 16, 2010, 12:24:28 BOY NAMED SANDOZ » Sačuvana

Ja sam uvek u pravu. To realnost gresi Wink.

I want something good to die for,
to make it beautiful to live.
Full Member
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 178

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« Odgovor #33 poslato: Decembar 28, 2009, 19:51:25 »

Maire Brennan (Ireland)

Against the Wind [/ i]

A wall strong in numbers
Burns the midnight candle
The brave arm in arm
Stands before them now
Up against the wind
Old ways up against the wind.

The game is in their hands
Calling out the color
Togetherness their courage
Recognize the power
Make a stand before them
Old ways follow the beaten track
Against the wind
Against the wind.

Defying their leaders
Holding out for free will
The strong dare to echo
Nothing can stop
Nothing can stop us now
Up against the wind
Old ways up against the wind.

The game is in your hands
Reach for every moment
In rising generations
Capturing the change
Make a stand before them
Old ways follow the beaten track
Against the wind
Against the wind.
Full Member
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 178

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« Odgovor #34 poslato: Decembar 28, 2009, 20:42:23 »

Loreena McKennitt (Canada)

The Bonny Swans [/ i]

A farmer there lived in the north country
  a hey ho bonny o
And he had daughters, one, two, three
The swans swim so bonny o
Three daughters they walked by the river's brim
  a hey ho bonny o
The eldest pushed the youngest in
The swans swim so bonny o

Oh, sister, oh sister, pray lend me your hand
  with a hey ho a bonny o
And I will give you house and land
The swans swim so bonny o
I'll give you neither hand nor glove
  with a hey ho a bonny o
Unless you give me your own true love
The swans swim so bonny o

Sometimes she sank, sometimes she swam
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
Until she came to the miller's dam
The swans swim so bonny o
The miller's daughter dressed in red
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
She went for some water to make some bread
The swans swim so bonny o

Oh, father, oh daddy, here swims a swan
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
It's very like a gentle woman
The swans swim so bonny o
They placed her on a bank to dry
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
There came a harper passing by
The swans swim so bonny o

He made harp pins of her fingers fair
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
He made harp strings of her golden hair
The swans swim so bonny o
He made a harp of her breast bone
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
And straight it began to play alone
The swans swim so bonny o

He brought it to her father's hall
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
And there the court, assembled all
The swans swim so bonny o
He laid the harp upon a stone
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
And straight it began to play alone
The swans swim so bonny o

And there does sit my father the King
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
And yonder sits my mother the Queen
The swans swim so bonny o
And there does sit my brother Hugh
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
And there does sit my false sister, Anne
  with a hey ho and a bonny o
Who drowned me for the sake of a man
The swans swim so bonny o

alice in velvet
Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 2503

mrzim senke naših godina

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« Odgovor #35 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 11:49:08 »

Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence and leave me with my sins
The air around me still feels like a cage
And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again

So if you love me let me go
And run away before I know
My heart is just too dark to care
I can?t destroy what isn?t there

Deliver me into my fate
If I?m alone I cannot hate
I don?t deserve to have you
Ooh, my smile was taken long ago
If I can change I hope I never know

I still press your letters to my lips
And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss
I couldn?t face a life without your lights
But all of that was ripped apart when you refused to fight

So save your breath, I will not care
I think I made it very clear
You couldn?t hate enough to love
Is that supposed to be enough?

I only wish you weren?t my friend
Then I could hurt you in the end
I never claimed to be a saint
Ooh, my own was banished long ago
It took the death of hope to let you go

So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul
You never needed any help
You sold me out to save yourself

And I won?t listen to your shame
You ran away, you?re all the same
Angels lie to keep control
Ooh, my love was punished long ago
If you still care don?t ever let me know
If you still care don?t ever let me know

Slipknot- snuff

Na jedno uvo ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo ako mi priđu sa prave strane
alice in velvet
Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 2503

mrzim senke naših godina

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« Odgovor #36 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 11:52:00 »

one, two, three
If you close the door
the night could last forever
Leave the sunshine out
and say hello to never

All the people are dancing
and they're having such fun
I wish it could happen to me

But if you close the door
I'd never have to see the day again

If you close the door
the night could last forever
Leave the wine-glass out
and drink a toast to never

Oh, someday I know
someone will look into my eyes
And say hello
you're my very special one

But if you close the door
I'd never have to see the day again

Dark party bars, shiny Cadillac cars
and the people on subways and trains
Looking gray in the rain, as they stand disarrayed
oh, but people look well in the dark

And if you close the door
the night could last forever
Leave the sunshine out
and say hello to never

All the people are dancing
and they're having such fun
I wish it could happen to me

Cause if you close the door
I'd never have to see the day again
I'd never have to see the day again, once more
I'd never have to see the day again

velvet underground- after hours

Na jedno uvo ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo ako mi priđu sa prave strane
alice in velvet
Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 2503

mrzim senke naših godina

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« Odgovor #37 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 11:54:38 »

Prosli smo prve dane cudjenja
Prosli smo prve dane gledanja
Ja nisam tu
Ja nisam tamo ni tu
Dok pijem sok iz tvojih ociju
Dok lizem so sa tvojih prstiju
Ja nisam tu
Ja nisam tamo ni tu
Tonemo, tonemo
Tonemo, tonemo
Prosli smo prve dane gledanja
Prosli smo prve dane kajanja
Ja nisam tu
Ja nisam tamo ni tu
Ne, dani nisu dugo cekali
Dani su bezali, uzalud lebdeli
Ja nisam tu
Ja nisam tamo ni tu
Tonemo, tonemo
Tonemo, tonemo

(najbolji) EKV- tonemo

Na jedno uvo ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo ako mi priđu sa prave strane
Hero Member
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 720

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« Odgovor #38 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 11:55:51 »

nemoj da nisi tu plsssss Roll Eyes

Sunday morning
Brings the dawn in
It's just a restless feeling by my side
Early dawning
Sunday morning
It's just the wasted years so close behind
Watch out the world's behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
It's nothing at all

Sunday morning
And I'm falling
I've got a feeling I don't want to know
Early dawning
Sunday morning
It's all the streets you crossed, not so long ago
Watch out the world's behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
It's nothing at all

Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning

Velvet Underground

Ja sam uvek u pravu. To realnost gresi Wink.

I want something good to die for,
to make it beautiful to live.
alice in velvet
Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 2503

mrzim senke naših godina

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« Odgovor #39 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 12:01:32 »

nemoj da nisi tu plsssss Roll Eyes

Sunday morning
Brings the dawn in
It's just a restless feeling by my side
Early dawning
Sunday morning
It's just the wasted years so close behind
Watch out the world's behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
It's nothing at all

Sunday morning
And I'm falling
I've got a feeling I don't want to know
Early dawning
Sunday morning
It's all the streets you crossed, not so long ago
Watch out the world's behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
It's nothing at all

Sunday morning
Sunday morning
Sunday morning

Velvet Underground

joooooj.....uništavaš me.... Smiley
(i kopiraš me BUHAHAHAHaaa) Predobra je...:!

Ostavimo psovke za kraj
Naklon za završni bal
Idemo šutjeti sad
Budi ljuta, a ja bit ću sam

I svejedno je, svejedno je
Zbog koga smo tu

I svejedno je, svejedno je
Zbog koga smo tu

Sada tvrdoglavo glumimo "normalno"
Zamisli pričali smo o nečemu velikom
I tko je jači od nas, ima li bolje od nas
Mislim da znam al' ipak strah me je reći na glas

I svejedno je, svejedno je
Zbog koga smo tu

I svejedno je, svejedno je
Zbog koga smo tu

Stavljaš čaše na stol
Ja stavljam zvijezdu na bor
Imaš jutra na licu
I miris ručka u kosi
Nekad mi predugo treba
Da se sjetim koliko si lijepa

I svejedno je, svejedno je
Zbog koga smo tu

I svejedno je, svejedno je
Zbog koga smo tu

Ramirez- otjeraj me

Na jedno uvo ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo ako mi priđu sa prave strane
alice in velvet
Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 2503

mrzim senke naših godina

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« Odgovor #40 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 12:03:15 »

Vuuuučeeee (pazi ovo....)

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Comes in bells, your servant, don't forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Downy sins of streetlight fancies
Chase the costumes she shall wear
Ermine furs adorn the imperious
Severin, Severin awaits you there

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears

Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather
Shiny leather in the dark
Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Severin, Severin, speak so slightly
Severin, down on your bended knee
Taste the whip, in love not given lightly
Taste the whip, now plead for me

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Severin, your servant comes in bells, please don't forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Velvet underground- venus in furs


Na jedno uvo ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo ako mi priđu sa prave strane
Hero Member
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 720

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« Odgovor #41 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 12:07:13 »

Vuuuučeeee (pazi ovo....)

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Comes in bells, your servant, don't forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Downy sins of streetlight fancies
Chase the costumes she shall wear
Ermine furs adorn the imperious
Severin, Severin awaits you there

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears

Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather
Shiny leather in the dark
Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Severin, Severin, speak so slightly
Severin, down on your bended knee
Taste the whip, in love not given lightly
Taste the whip, now plead for me

I am tired, I am weary
I could sleep for a thousand years
A thousand dreams that would awake me
Different colors made of tears

Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather
Whiplash girlchild in the dark
Severin, your servant comes in bells, please don't forsake him
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart

Velvet underground- venus in furs

Roll Eyes, pazim, fantasticni su. Opasno igras, pazi ovo

Here she comes, you better watch your step
She's going to break your heart in two, it's true
It's not hard to realize
Just look into her false colored eyes
She builds you up to just put you down, what a clown

'Cause everybody knows (She's a femme fatale)
The things she does to please (She's a femme fatale)
She's just a little tease (She's a femme fatale)
See the way she walks
Hear the way she talks

You're written in her book
You're number 37, have a look
She's going to smile to make you frown, what a clown
Little boy, she's from the street
Before you start, you're already beat
She's gonna play you for a fool, yes it's true

'Cause everybody knows (She's a femme fatale)
The things she does to please (She's a femme fatale)
She's just a little tease (She's a femme fatale)
See the way she walks
Hear the way she talks

Velvet Underground - Femme fatale

Ja sam uvek u pravu. To realnost gresi Wink.

I want something good to die for,
to make it beautiful to live.
alice in velvet
Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 2503

mrzim senke naših godina

Pogledaj profil
« Odgovor #42 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 12:13:04 »

uuuuuu femme fatale (šta reći osim:)

Ja sam bio pogresan
Kad sam ti stavio ruku na rame
Tamo je drzao dugo
I govorio rijeci

Ja sam bio pogresan
Kad sam trazio da mi kazes
Koja si strana
Postoje pravila igre
Ti znas da ne mozes sama

Ispod svih tih zastava
Sto vijore svud oko nas
Ne postoji mjesto
Gdje mogla bi stati
Visoko dignuti ruke
I pjevati nasu pjesmu
I pjevati nasu pjesmu

Protiv volje umijesan
U staru zavjeru strana
U staru zavjeru nada
Ja sam jednoga dana
Slucajno nasao put
Ispod svih tih zastava
Sto vijore..

Kapi s oboda
Sada padaju na uze I gun
Ja sam slobodan
Neka s moga vrata vijori sal od svile..
Kapi s oboda
Sada padaju na uze I gun
Ja sam slobodan
Neka s moga vrata vijori sal od svile..

Haustor- šal od svile

(a? heheheh hoćemo li analizirati pjesmu? Wink

Na jedno uvo ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo ako mi priđu sa prave strane
Hero Member
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 720

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« Odgovor #43 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 12:20:01 »

ja sam ti rekao o cemu se radi u pesmi, ti sto imas pogresnu predstavu o njoj to je druga prica Tongue Tongue Tongue

e vucice pazi ovo, malo cu da budem kvaran Evil


I'm becoming less defined as days go by
Fading away
And well you might say
I'm losing focus
Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

Sometimes I think I can see right through myself [x2]
Sometimes I can see right through myself

Less concerned about fitting into the world
Your world that is
Cause it doesn't really matter anymore
(no it doesn't really matter anymore)
No it doesn't really matter anymore
None of this really matters anymore

Yes I am alone but then again I always was
As far back as I can tell
I think maybe it's because
Because you were never really real to begin with
I just made you up to hurt myself

I just made you up to hurt myself, yeah
And I just made you up to hurt myself

And it worked.
Yes it did!

There is no you
There is only me
There is no you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me
There is no fucking you
There is only me

Only [x4]

Well the tiniest little dot caught my eye and it turned out to be a scab
And I had this funny feeling like I just knew it's something bad
I just couldn't leave it alone, I kept picking at the scab
It was a doorway trying to seal itself shut
But I climbed through

Now I am somewhere I am not supposed to be, and I can see things I know I really shouldn't see
And now I know why, now, now, now I know why
Things aren't as pretty
On the inside


Only [x8]

Nine inch nails - Only

Ja sam uvek u pravu. To realnost gresi Wink.

I want something good to die for,
to make it beautiful to live.
alice in velvet
Super Hero
Van mreže Van mreže

Poruke: 2503

mrzim senke naših godina

Pogledaj profil
« Odgovor #44 poslato: Februar 16, 2010, 12:22:50 »

jooooj Nine inch nails....hmmm baš igraš prljavo Wink

Alice i chains
Down In A Hole

Bury Me Softly In This Womb
I Give This Part Of Me For You
Sand Rains Down And Here I Sit
Holding Rare Flowers
In A Tomb.....In Bloom

Down In A Hole And I Don't Know
If I Can Be Saved
See My Heart I Decorate It
Like A Grave
You Don't Understand Who They
Thought I Was Supposed To Be
Look At Me Now A Man
Who Won't Let Himself Be

Down In A Hole, Feelin' So Small
Down In A Hole, Losin' Control
I'd Like To Fly
But My Wings Have Been So Denied

Down In A Hole And They've Put All
The Stones In Their Place
I've Eaten The Sun So My Tongue
Has Been Burned Of The Taste
I Have Been Guilty
Of Kicking Myself In The Teeth
I Will Speak No More
Of My Feelings Beneath

Oh I Want To Be Inside Of You

Down In A Hole, Losin' My Soul
Down In A Hole, Feelin' So Small
Down In A Hole, Losin' My Soul
Down In A Hole, Out Of Control

I'd Like To Fly
But My Wings Have Been So Denied

a....šta ćeš sada Smiley

Na jedno uvo ne čujem ništa, a na drugo sve. Zato slušam samo ako mi priđu sa prave strane
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