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Septembar 28, 2024, 00:47:25

Prijavite se korisničkim imenom, lozinkom i dužinom sesije
Ukupno članova: 185692
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Autor Tema: Matisyahu  (Pročitano 2370 puta)
0 članova i 2 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.
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« poslato: Avgust 01, 2007, 11:04:12 »

Matisyahu - King Without a Crown

{Zee} You're all that I have and you're all that I need
Each and every day I pray to get to know you please
Wanna be close to you, yes I'm so hungry
You're like water for my soul when it gets thirsty
Without you there's no me
You're the air that I breathe
{Say} Sometimes the world is dark and I just can't see
With these, demons surround all around to bring me down to negativity
But I believe, yes I believe, I said I believe
I'll stand on my own two feet
Won't be brought down on one knee
I'll fight with all of my might and get these demons to flee
Hashem's rays fire blaze burn bright and I believe
Hashem's rays fire blaze burn bright and I believe
Out of darkness comes light, twilight unto the heights
Crown Heights {yah} burnin' up all through the twilight
Said, thank you to my God, now I finally got it right
And I'll fight with all of my heart, and all a' my soul, and all a' my might

What's this feeling?
My love will rip a hole in the ceiling
(I give/Givin'} myself to you {now} from the essence of my being
And I sing to my God, songs of love and healing
I want Moshiach now, time it starts revealing
What's this feeling?
My love will rip a hole in the ceiling
(I give/Givin'} myself to you {now} from the essence of my being
And I sing to my God, songs of love and healing
I want Moshiach now. {ya}

Stripin' away the layers and reveal your soul
Ya gotta to give yourself up and then you become whole
You're a slave to yourself and you don't even know
(You) Want to live the fast life but your brain moves slow
If you're trying to stay high, you're bound to stay low
You want God but you (can't/couldn't} deflate your ego
You're already there, then there's nowhere to go
You're cup's already full then it's bound to overflow
If you're drowning in the waters and you can't stay afloat
Ask Hasheem for mercy {and} he'll throw you a rope
(You're) lookin' for help from God; you say he couldn't be found
Searching up to the sky and looking beneath the ground
Like a King without his Crown
You keep fallin' down
You really want to live but can't get rid of your frown
You('re) try(in') to reach unto the heights and wound bound down on the ground
Given up your pride - then ya heard a sound
Out of night comes day {and} out of day comes light
{said} Nullified to the One like sunlight in a ray,
(Makin'/Make} room for his love for a fire gone blaze,
(Make/Makin'} room for his love for a fire gone blaze,

What's this feeling?
My love will rip a hole in the ceiling
(I give/Givin'} myself to you {now} from the essence of my being
and I sing to my God, songs of love and healing
I want Moshiach now so it's time we start revealing

What's this feeling?
My love will rip a (hole/skylight} in the ceiling
(I give/Givin'} myself to you now from the essence of my being
And I sing to my God, songs of love and healing
(I want Moshiach now)

{Yah yah, yah yah yo yah yah...}

{..yo.. [x13]}

{And} See, I lift up (my/mine} eyes where my help come from
And I seen it circling around from the mountain
You feel it in your chest
You keep my mind at ease and my soul at rest
You're not vexed

{When I} Look to the sky where my help come from
{and I} Seen it circling around from the mountain
You feel it in your chest

(You keep my mind at ease and my soul at rest
You're not vexed

{Ziggy-yiggy-yo viggy-yiggy-yo
Said Thunder!
You feel it in your, I feel it in your,
You feel it in your, I feel it in your,
You feel it in your, I feel it in your,
Yo ho ho..ah!

What's this feeling?
My love will rip a hole in the ceiling
Givin' myself to you from the essence of my being
Sing to my God {wah, ha ha..]

Zee wah yo
Zee wah yo ho..
Ho yo..
Zyeh yo ho ho

Super Hero
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« Odgovor #1 poslato: Avgust 01, 2007, 12:23:47 »

mrkvice,iskljuci mi se racunar cim udjoh na ovu temu, proveri da nema neke greske, inace extra

Mozes me mrzeti i pljuvati moju temu ali ja sam za tebe kucko broj 1,ovde i u svemu!!!!!!!!!!
Super Hero
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« Odgovor #2 poslato: Septembar 03, 2007, 00:28:56 »

Matisyahu - Aish Tamid

The place lays phased like a warrior slayed
Engraved into the space with his sword still raised
Layers of charcoal sprayed through hallways
Praise relays off the walls echoing all ways

Dirt covered earth lays beneath my rib cage
Giving birth to overgrowth invading on to path ways
Burnt out trees cover streets where children once played
Sown seeds decay through sacred stepping stones in disarray
Where the alter used to be placed inter-changed for bloodstains
Sunrays illuminate the smoke filled haze
Trace of incense scents of sacrifice stayed

Aish tamid eternally
A fire burns continuously
Wondering where you been
Won't you come on home to me?

Flash back patches of grass growing wild in fact
Cracked walls burnt black like a kingdom sacked
Memories like artifacts attacked yet still intact
Melodies wrapped in glass and shatter with the impact

Air intermingling ringing with the singing
of songs once sung, hung, flung into the rafters
Catastrophe struck the sound stuck
Disaster plastered
The aftermath a blasted building once standing, like a starved man fasting
the skies expanding clouds passing, dust particles dancing,
in broken bars of light, streaming from a shaft, slashed into the ceiling,
Sshhhh, you could feel the ground breathing.


Daughter of Zion is lying crying in the mist
Morning light slips in, shifting through the darkness
Like a morning wife reminisce having visions of her long gone prince
Memories drip rain drops tip towing emptiness
Intermixed with tears like fears left unfixed
Walls worn thin frozen fortress like dawn waiting for the sunrise of a day that got skipped
Like a life gone wrong wandering wilderness
Lovesick stripped abyss empty once luscious


Paint the scene so you could see, the city's picking up speed
On a bench 14th street, taxi's streaming yellow streaks
Spears piercing through my ears, you could hear the traffic speak
Jack hammers drill smacking through the cracking concrete
Buildings filled with windowsills spilled tangled telephone wires
Signs sparking neon lights flash like wild fire
My insides rise I start to feel paralyzed
Let out a sigh-a melody blew by- like an ancient war cry
the way the sunlight hit the trees it really caught my eye,
glistening' listening' to the breeze dancing' through the leaves,
freeze, the city move's in slow motion like a dream

I'm left empty like the temple turned into a fox den
Bus fumes dripping spitting into city summer sun
Sifting through the ash dimly lit vision listening
To the hiss lifting off a nighttime ocean
Shim, shim, shimmering singing hair on my skin
Glim, glim. Glimmering, whispering where ya been

From amidst the darkness set sail with the softness
Breeze traveling across the seas arisen from with in Mt. Zion
Wind coming in picking up momentum
Cutting crisply through the thickness riding on a rhythm
A rollercoaster sizzling, twisting down the mountain
ripping rocket ship exploding like a fountain
overflowing spilling through the courtyards of Jerusalem
Uncovering debris lifting up the fallen arisen within
to reach the yiddin even in Manhattan
exposed menorah glowing in the shadows of destruction
trailblazing through affliction
brushing off the branches golden
standing strong flames
dancing like a lion roaring rising out of nothing

Super Hero
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« Odgovor #3 poslato: Septembar 03, 2007, 00:34:27 »

Matisyahu - Jerusalem

Jerusalem, if I forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
Jerusalem, if I forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.

In the ancient days, we will return with no delay
Picking up the bounty and the spoils on our way
We've been traveling from state to state
And them don't understand what they say
3,000 years with no place to be
And they want me to give up my milk and honey
Don't you see, it's not about the land or the sea
Not the country but the dwelling of his majesty


Rebuild the temple and the crown of glory
Years gone by, about sixty
Burn in the oven in this century
And the gas tried to choke, but it couldn't choke me
I will not lie down, I will not fall asleep
They come overseas, yes they're trying to be free
Erase the demons out of our memory
Change your name and your identity
Afraid of the truth and our dark history
Why is everybody always chasing we
Cut off the roots of your family tree
Don't you know that's not the way to be


Caught up in these ways, and the worlds gone craze
Don't you know it's just a phase
Case of the Simon says
If I forget the truth then my words won't penetrate
Babylon burning in the place, can't see through the haze
Chop down all of them dirty ways,
That's the price that you pay for selling lies to the youth
No way, not ok, oh no way, not ok, hey
Aint no one gonna break my stride
Aint no one gonna pull me down
Oh no, I got to keep on moving
Stay alive


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« Odgovor #4 poslato: Oktobar 05, 2007, 10:19:01 »

mrkvice,iskljuci mi se racunar cim udjoh na ovu temu, proveri da nema neke greske, inace extra
hajo kako je
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« Odgovor #5 poslato: Oktobar 05, 2007, 10:19:35 »

kako je matoiyashu
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