When the wren bone writhes down and the first dawn furied by his stream swarms on the kingdom come of the dazzler of heaven, and the splashed mothering maiden who bore him with a bonfire in his mouth, and rocked him like a storm. I shall run lost in sudden. Who are you who is born in the next room so loud to my own? I shall run lost in sudden, terror and shining from the once hooded room crying in vain in the caldron of his kiss, in the spin of the sun, in the spuming cyclone of his wing, for I was lost who am crying at the man drenched throne in the first fury of his stream, and the lightnings of adoration back to black silence. Melt and mourn for I was lost who have come to doumbfounding haven. And the finding one and the high noon of his wound blinds my cry.
(Dylan Thomas)